IB丝印俱乐部(IB Print Club)是爱豆笔此的实体分支,开发创意线下丝网艺术活动和现场工作坊,同时也是一个基于本地社群的丝网印刷空间及画廊。
IB Print Club提供各种个性化的课程设置和现场活动:初学及进阶工作坊、公司团建活动、学校课程、会员制工作室使用,以及移动丝印秀和互动工作坊等各类型现场活动。
IB Print Club is the offline event-hosting branch offshoot of IdleBeats, which is specialized in innovating and developing onsite creative art events. It’s also a local community-based screenprinting space and gallery/printshop located in downtown Shanghai. In addition to regular beginner workshops that takes place monthly, IB Print Club also offers team building and school workshops, live printing events, as well as different kinds of pop up workshops and onsite art events.