
Live Open Screen Printing Event / 现场开放丝印秀

IB Print Club x House of Vans 



针对不同活动,我们动手改造发明出了一套移动设备,它们使丝网印刷不再受场合、地点甚至地域的限制。在过去的数年里,IB Print Club成功在数〸个城市的画廊开幕、音乐节、品牌活动、产品发布、学校课堂,成功举办了超过百场的现场丝网活动。



Open Screen Printing Show is suitable for big events such as music festivals or brand events that features hundreds to thousands people. We bring pre-made screens and printing stations onsite and print directly on tote bags or T-shirts.

With our self-invented portable screen printing kit, we can bring live printing shows to anywhere. In the past years IB Print Club has successfully hosted more than 100 live printing events at gallery opening, music festivals, brand events, product launch, school classes, in Shanghai but also other cities and abroad.

Inquiry and Collaboration: ibprintclub@idlebeats.com