

One Million Brötchen 一百万个小面包

One Million Brötchen 一百万个小面包


2017年是爱豆笔此双城艺术交换及展览计划 ‘双城记‘的第三个年头,Nini和Gregor在德国艺术双人组 Palefroi 的邀请下去到柏林,在他们当地久负盛名的工作室里,完成了一次愉快的艺术家驻留项目:合作完成一本丝印艺术书《一百万个小面包》。

For the 3rd ‘Tale Of Two Cities’ duo-city exchange exhibition project, Idlebeats flew to artist duo Palefroi‘s studio in Berlin, completed an artist-in-residence program together - a collaborative screen print art book <One Million Brötchen>.

来自两个团队的四个成员以及德国艺术家 Clemens Reinecke, 大家围坐在桌子前一起天马行空地发挥想象力,蓄意模糊了大家的艺术风格,从而让观者无法一眼辨认出各自留下的痕迹。

Members from both studio along with German Graphic artist Clemens Reinecke, everyone sat around the table brainstorming, deliberately blurred each other’s artistic styles, so that the viewers cannot know for sure who made what.

为了保留一些兴奋和悬念感,大家一致决定完全不使用电脑,也就跳过了创作过程中 “预览” 这个步骤。试着先共同决定大部分的方向,然后印制后再来看成果。因此,整个创作过程自然而然又充满了生命力。

To keep a bit of excitement and suspense, they agreed to work entirely without computer, with no preview during the whole creation process. They would try to decide most of the things collectively, then just printing it out and check the result. Therefore, It was a very spontaneous and organic experience.

这本由爱豆笔此 和 Palefroi(帕里夫花) 合作的丝印艺术书《一百万个小面包》从现在起正式发行,限量68本,目前在上海和柏林地区均有销售。

This screen print art book <One Million Brötchen> made by Idlebeats and Palefroi, is officially released from now, limited of 68 copies.


由 Damien Tran & Marion Jdanoff (Palefro)i,

Nini Sum & Gregor Koerting (IdleBeats)

以及艺术家 Clemens Reinecke 共同创作


尺寸:17 x 24 cm




<One Million Brötchen>

Screen printed art book by

Damien Tran & Marion Jdanoff (Palefro)i,

Nini Sum & Gregor Koerting (IdleBeats)

and Clemens Reinecke

Size:17 x 24 cm

Page: 16 page

Edition of 68

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